Friday, April 03, 2009

Happy 3rd month anniversary

by Anandhita di 8:15:00 AM
Hari ini, udh 3 bulan umur pernikahan kita. Masih dibilang newlywed ga ya? Hehehe...
Tapi ga berasa 3 bulan, loh. Kyanya baru kmrn kita nikah. Masih suka ketawa2 klo liat video sama foto2 pernikahan kita.

Sikap aku juga masih sama kya pacaran. Suka bertingkah laku konyol plus aneh, yg cuma bikin si mas nyengir atau berkerut keningnya sambil nanya "kamu lg ngapain?". Ga kya seorang istri deh. Untungnya ga punya asisten di rumah. Klo ada, mungkin aku ga akan bebas mengeluarkan sikap kekonyolan aku. Hehehe...

Klo si mas? Dia sih tambah sayang sama aku. Dan project dhita-harus-gemuk nya terus berlangsung, malah semakin menghebat. Trus, dia semakin manjain aku. Hadoooh.. sebenernya ini rada ga bagus. Soalnya aku suka ngelunjak dan mama pun udh pesen ke si mas bahwa dia harus tegas sama aku *klo lagi tegas, emang bikin aku takut*.

Well, balik lagi ke anniversary kita, harapan kita sih umur pernikahan kita ga terbatas. Pokoknya sampai maut memisahkan, deh. Trus kita dikaruniai anak (sepasang) yg lucu2 *mudah2an sih bulan depan. amiiin..* & berbakti sama orang tuanya. Amiiin...

Btw, aku nemuin artikel lucu di

What month of the year did you marry in? there's a rhyme from popular folklore that believes your marriage will take on certain characteristics depending upon the month you chose, we've reproduced it below. Do you think its true? we'd love to know!

January - Marry when the year is new, he'll be loving, kind and true.

February - When February birds do mate, you wed nor dread your fate.

March - If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know.

April- Marry in April if you can, joy for maiden and for man.

May - Marry in the month of May, you will romance the day.

June - Marry when June roses grow and over land and sea you'll go.

July - Those who in July do wed must labour for their daily bread.

August - Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.

September - Marry in September's shine so that your life is rich and fine.

October - If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.

November - If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember!

December - When December's snows fall fast, marry and your love will last.

Senangnya he'll be loving, kind and true :)

1 komentar:

xxxx said...

"January - Marry when the year is new, he'll be loving, kind and true."

Yeaaa.... benar sekaliiiiyyy.......... amin amin :p


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